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Cinfo - Zentrum Für Information, Beratung Und Bildung Für Berufe In Der Internationalen Zusammenar

Postdoctoral Assistant In Late Quaternary


Switzerland - Basel-Stadt, Schweiz | Vollzeit | Confidential

Basel, Schweiz Universität Basel Vollzeit

The Geoecology group (Prof. Oliver Heiri) at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Basel is looking for a postdoctoral researcher/assistant to strengthen its palaeoecological research team. The research group focuses on past ecosystem changes as analogues for future ecosystem and species responses to environmental change, environmental and ecosystem reconstruction based on biotic indicators (e.g. chironomids, pollen, diatoms, cladocerans but also other indicator groups), and assessing present and past species-environment relationships.

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Salary and social benefits are provided according to University of Basel rules.

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