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Auto Services Unlimited

Bdc Call Center Agent


South Africa - Southgate, South Africa | Full Time | Confidential

Southgate, South Africa Auto Services Unlimited Full time

_**Are you ready to have fun and success in a career that compensates you for your efforts?**_

Job Title: Business Development Coordinator - Appointment Setter

Department: Operations

Reports to: Business Development Manager

**Responsibilities and Requirements**:

- Must enjoy talking to people on the phone
- Must be excited about learning new techniques and how to use the latest technology
- Must be Looking for an environment that is dynamic and fast-paced
- Must be ready to learn how to win from the best team in north Ohio, our Highly trained and successful coaches are ready to help you move to the next level if you’re willing
- We support teamwork and team atmosphere with regular huddle-ups and support sessions
- Every day can be a little different, so be prepared to be challenged.

**Essential Skills and Experience**:

- Must have leadership potential and lead by example with an attendance attitude and a deep desire to help our customers solve their problems
- We are looking for storytellers who can clearly communicate a message that is easily understood
- Can you make every customer feel special and that you truly care about them?
- Computer Skills: We use the latest technology and take the time to make sure everyone can use it with ease


- Bachelors (preferred)


- Call center: 2 years (required)
- Computer skills: 1 year (required)


- English (required)

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