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University Of Bern

Postdoc In Late Pleistocene Climate Modelling


Switzerland - Bern, Schweiz | Vollzeit | Confidential

Bern, Schweiz Universität Bern Universität Bern Vollzeit

**PostDoc in Late Pleistocene Climate Modelling**:
Climate and Environmental Physics is a division of the Physics Institute of the University of Bern. We are committed to understand the processes of Earth System on time scales from seasons to a million years.


Research is carried out in the framework of the groups of Climate and Environmental Physics and the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research. The postdoc will use the Bern3D model, a climate model of intermediate complexity, that consists of a 3-dimensional ocean, an energy-moisture balance model of the atmosphere, many ocean tracers, and a prognostic land-ocean carbon cycle. The cost-effective model permits large ensembles of simulations extending over many thousands of years. The work will focus on fundamental stability properties of the global ocean circulation and how they are influenced by various mixing schemes in the model. The solution structure of the ocean component is a key property of the coupled climate system. Its
characterization is required to understand century-to-millennial variability and abrupt climate change during the past ice ages, as well as the response of the climate to the ongoing perturbation by increased levels of greenhouse gases. In particular, the existence of tipping points will be systematically explored.

We offer

The employment is for 1.5 years with a possible extension. The salary is according to the postdoctoral scale of the University of Bern and depends on experience. A small contribution to teaching in the Physics curriculum is expected.

**in one pdf-file** and consists of a motivation letter, CV, a link to a PDF file of your PhD thesis, MSc and PhD certificates

University of Bern, Physics Institute, Climate and Environmental Physics
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stocker, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, phone: +41 31 684 44 62

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