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Viola, Tutti, 2 Full Time Position


Sweden - Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden | Full Time | Confidential

Umeå, Sweden Norrlandsoperan Symphony Orchestra Full time

The position is permanent with a 1-year trial period. Employment will commence after personal agreement. Non-EU citizens require a work and residence permit (not required when you apply for the audition).


The position entails roughly 140-160 podium days plus personal artistic preparation time, jury work (including auditions and meetings), and program committee meetings (administrative days). The position is widely diverse, encompassing symphonic, opera, and chamber music repertoire. A typical season can include between 10-12 orchestra subscription productions and 2-3 opera productions.

Salary plan: Group 3 (see agreement with Musician’s Union in Sweden, SYMF).


9th November 2024 – Norrlandsoperan, personal invitation
Norrlandsoperan Concert Hall, address: Operaplan 5, 901 08, Umeå.


Audition 9th November 2024 at Norrlandsoperan
Apply latest by 7th October 2024 via Musical Chairs


Stamitz- Concert in D major, 1st Movt with cadenza, 2nd Movt without cadenz or Hoffmeister- Concert in D major, 1st Movt with cadenza, 2nd Movt without cadenza
Orchestra excerpts and excerpts for ensemble trial will be available for download via Musical chairs after 1st September


Apply via Musical Chairs

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